fruits and veggies, grains, cooking Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII fruits and veggies, grains, cooking Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

Stir Fry for Bone Health

We're going to wrap up our posts for osteoporosis awareness month with a few more recipes and tips for getting enough bone-healthy nutrients. Today we bring you a delicious stir-fry that provides 473% of the daily value for vitamin K, 22% of the daily value for magnesium, and 10% of the daily value for calcium.

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Fill Half Your Plate With Fruits and Vegetables: Labor Day

Food and Health Communications is proud to be a National Strategic Partner for MyPlate. For Labor Day, we are bringing innovative yet easy ways to serve fruits and veggies so that they will make up half of everyone's plates! We have recipes for a Veggie Face Salad, Ice Bucket Fruits, and our best Fresh Fruit Cobbler, among other ideas.

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food projects, fruits and veggies, cooking, weight control, kids Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII food projects, fruits and veggies, cooking, weight control, kids Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII


To test my son's hypothesis of satiety for his science fair project, each volunteer ate as much as they wanted until they felt full and the amount was recorded. To ensure that each volunteer was hungry and to avoid bias each volunteer was not allowed to eat 2 hours before the test and the test was recorded at the same time of the day - after school. The results were statistically significant.

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