Five a Day? Double it for Best Health!

You’ve likely heard the recommendation to eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables daily for best health. New advice is leaning more towards eating 5 servings of each...

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Is Sugar Now Public Enemy #1?

Singling out sugar as now being more responsible for raising BP and cholesterol levels than added salt and fat & cholesterol-rich animal products is clearly a gross distortion of what the best quality scientific data tells us is most likely true...

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Added Sugars Infographic

The American Heart Association recently released a statement that advises all children between the ages of 2 and 18 to consume no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugars per day. That's sage advice, but sometimes it can be a bit tough to follow....

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Daily Values 101

According to the FDA, "Daily values are reference amounts of nutrients to consume or not to exceed and are used to calculate the percent Daily Value (% DV) that manufacturers include on the label." Let's take a look at how that label is changing...

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Make Small Dietary Shifts

People need to shift to healthier food and drink choices. Today, let’s look at exactly what that means for the dietary components that can put your health at risk.

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Applying the New Protein Information from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans send a special message to teenage boys and men: eat less meat, chicken, and eggs. What’s a guy to do?

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Focusing on Dressing: Are We Missing the Point?

Any time we switch from pale "greens" like iceberg lettuce to darker-colored leafy greens like kale, spinach and Romaine, we gain important phytochemicals and antioxidants that are present in larger quantities in darker-colored vegetables...

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Small Shifts

The new Dietary Guidelines for Americans encourage us to “shift to healthier food and beverage choices.” We make choices about what to eat and drink every day. Each choice is a chance to shift to a healthier option. Over time, these small shifts will move you toward a healthy eating pattern.

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Walnuts, Weight Loss, and Blood Lipids

The optimal ratio of fat/carbohydrate/protein for promoting healthy weight loss is still a matter of debate. Some researchers have suggested higher fat, lower carbohydrate diets are better for weight loss in insulin resistant people...

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