- Lynn Grieger 3
- alzheimers 30
- best quick meals 77
- beverages 82
- blood pressure 90
- bone health 32
- breakfast 71
- budget 71
- class ideas and presen... 118
- cooking 2366
- cooking demos 242
- desserts 115
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- diet and cancer 130
- diet and heart disease 292
- dietary guidelines 160
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- farmers market 47
- food news 165
- food projects 91
- food shopping 3
- fruits and veggies 382
- functional ingredients 2
- grains 133
- grocery 3
- holidays 75
- hot topics 41
- kidney health 18
- kids 220
- longevity 157
- makeovers 163
- menu planning 361
- myplate 172
- nutrition basic 575
- nutrition facts panel 104
- nutrition month 34
- obesity 1
- practitioner ideas and resources 1
- practitioner ideas and... 574
- processed food 2
- snacks 138
- sodium research 69
- sports nutrition 24
- unprocessed food 1
- vitamins and supplements 121
- weight control 333
- wellness fair ideas 80
- whole grains 56
Member-Only Articles
Potassium and the Dietary Guidelines
What is potassium? Why is it a nutrient of concern? How can people increase their potassium intake? What impact does potassium have on health? Get the answers to all these questions -- and more! -- in today's post!
Updates from MyPlate
I just got back from the 2015 USDA MyPlate National Partners in Person Meeting and I have so much to tell you!
MyPlate Meal
One of the things I love about MyPlate is its practicality. Rather than asking you to imagine your daily eating habits as a pyramid, MyPlate simply rallies its viewers to make their plates look like its own image: a balanced plate. With half the plate devoted to fruits and vegetables, and the rest divided between protein and whole grains (with some nonfat dairy on the side), MyPlate presents a healthful approach to any meal or snack...
Calcium and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans
Most Americans simply aren’t getting enough of certain vital nutrients, including calcium, dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamin D. Let's start with a closer look at calcium -- what it is, where to get it, what your body does with it, and what happens when you don't get enough...
Happy Health Education Week!
Happy Health Education Week! Here are some of the top health education resources that my team and I have created over the years. Since we're here to help you look your very best, right now, I thought I would collect our favorite posts on popular health topics and share them in one handy place! So here you go -- our top blog posts about heart health, diabetes, cancer, nutrition, and physical activity. Which ones will make your life easier?
5 Top Tips to Reduce Sodium Intake
There are lots of ways to cut down on sodium. Here are a few tried-and-tested approaches to reducing the salt in your diet...
Citrus 101
What do you know about citrus? What do your clients know? Today I want to offer a closer look at the basics of citrus -- what types of citrus fruits there are, what nutrients they contain, what impact on health they can have, and ways to incorporate them into a healthful eating pattern. There's even a new handout, if you know where to look!
Fact Sheet: Plant Protein
October is Vegetarian Awareness Month! We'd like to celebrate by offering this research-based fact sheet about plant protein and its place in the diet...
MyPlate Fruit Quiz
But wait, there's more! Here's a quiz that covers MyPlate's fruit group...
Can a Rural Asian Diet Prevent and Treat Type 2 Diabetes?
Lots of people blame the increase in obesity and type 2 diabetes on carbohydrates, but does the research support those claims?
Make the Most of Pasta Month
Did you know that October is National Pasta Month? Celebrate with these cooking and shopping tips!
Whole Grain Facts
Celebrate Whole Grains Month with some whole grain facts!
September Resource Rundown
Looking for some free resources to promote September's monthly themes? Your search is over! Here is a comprehensive list of links to promote the food and health subjects of September. There are fantastic recipes, great photos, PDF handouts, and more...
Get Ready for Fruits & Veggies More Matters Month!
September is Fruits and Veggies More Matters Month! To help you look your very best, right now, I want to offer you a sneak peek at the fantastic handout that accompanies the bestselling Real Food Grows poster. It might be just the thing you need to prepare for next month's theme. Take a look...
Members Only: Expanded Dairy Chart
Want to learn more about the calories, cholesterol, saturated fat, sodium, sugar, calcium, and protein in your favorite dairy products? Check out this expanded chart with 15 new dairy foods -- available only to Food and Health premium members!
5 Tips for a Healthful Vegetarian Lifestyle
Building a healthful vegetarian diet is about so much more than making sure that meat isn’t on the plate. That’s why I’d like to take a closer look at ways to make sure that a vegetarian eating plan is balanced and nutritious.
MyPlate Dairy
Teach your clients all about the basics of the MyPlate Dairy Group in this fantastic new post! There's even a new PDF handout!
Reminder: Public Comment Period for the Dietary Guidelines Closes Soon
The 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has offered its report for public comment and review, and all comments must be made before midnight EDT on May 8, 2014. That deadline is fast approaching, so get links to the report and the comment form today! It's all in this post...
Contact us.
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