Potassium and the Dietary Guidelines

What is potassium? Why is it a nutrient of concern? How can people increase their potassium intake? What impact does potassium have on health? Get the answers to all these questions -- and more! -- in today's post!

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Salt Substitutes Chart

What do you know about salt substitutes? My team and I have exhaustively researched 10 different varieties of salt and salt substitutes, and we've compiled the highlights of what we found into a handy-dandy chart.

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Happy Health Education Week!

Happy Health Education Week! Here are some of the top health education resources that my team and I have created over the years. Since we're here to help you look your very best, right now, I thought I would collect our favorite posts on popular health topics and share them in one handy place! So here you go -- our top blog posts about heart health, diabetes, cancer, nutrition, and physical activity. Which ones will make your life easier?

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5 Top Tips to Reduce Sodium Intake

There are lots of ways to cut down on sodium. Here are a few tried-and-tested approaches to reducing the salt in your diet...

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Citrus 101

What do you know about citrus? What do your clients know? Today I want to offer a closer look at the basics of citrus -- what types of citrus fruits there are, what nutrients they contain, what impact on health they can have, and ways to incorporate them into a healthful eating pattern. There's even a new handout, if you know where to look!

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CLA Supplements Remain Unproven

The FDA appears poised to reverse its serious error of classifying TFA as GRAS, which should lead to the elimination of PHVOs in foods. Only if large placebo-controlled clinical trials can demonstrate the safety and efficacy of CLA supplements should the FDA consider exempting them from its looming ban of PHVOs...

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Fruits and Veggies More Matters Month: Beyond Fresh Produce

It’s time to look beyond fresh produce for Fruits and Veggies More Matters Month. Today that means an exploration of ways to incorporate certain canned and frozen fruits and vegetables into a balanced eating plan.

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Diabetes and Your Heart

If you are like many people with diabetes, you put a lot of effort into controlling your blood sugar numbers. You watch what you eat, prick your fingers, take your medications and more! But many people with diabetes forget that there are other health numbers that are just as important as blood sugar. These numbers are the ones that deal with the health of your heart...

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Brain-Healthy Foods

For the most part, the foods you eat to help your heart also nourish your noggin. People with heart disease are more likely to have cognitive impairments and dementia. That’s not surprising since both the heart and the brain require healthy blood vessels free of atherosclerosis...

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5 Tips for a Healthful Vegetarian Lifestyle

Building a healthful vegetarian diet is about so much more than making sure that meat isn’t on the plate. That’s why I’d like to take a closer look at ways to make sure that a vegetarian eating plan is balanced and nutritious.

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Tuna: What Do You Know About It?

Remember when you could buy tuna canned in water or oil and these were the only options? Now the choices seem endless. Can or pouch? Light, albacore, or yellowfin? Lemon Dill or Spicy Thai Chili? Add in nutrition concerns like sodium and omega-3 fatty acids, and buying a simple can of tuna can be overwhelming! To cut through all the craziness, let’s take a closer look at tuna…

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