Focusing on Dressing: Are We Missing the Point?

Any time we switch from pale "greens" like iceberg lettuce to darker-colored leafy greens like kale, spinach and Romaine, we gain important phytochemicals and antioxidants that are present in larger quantities in darker-colored vegetables...

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Evaluating Weight Status

Evaluating weight status is tricky. People can be sensitive about their size, especially when they think that they may have lost control of their weight. Plus, there are lots of hurtful ways that people evaluate weight and size in society today. So how do you address weight when it comes to health and well-being without bringing in the baggage that accompanies discussions about weight?

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Comments on the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans

How do the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans measure up? Find out with Dr. James J Kenney's latest article...

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The 2015 Dietary Guidelines: The Science of Healthy Eating Patterns

There are lots of reasons to follow the healthy eating pattern strategies laid out by the latest edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. To start, let's take a closer look at the science behind these recommendations...

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Why Eat Yellow and Orange Fruits and Vegetables?

The contest fun continues with another handout about yellow and orange fruits and vegetables...

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Fill Half Your Plate with Fruits and Vegetables at Each Meal

Fruits and vegetables are nutrition powerhouses, yet most people don't eat nearly enough of them each day! Let's take a look at the science behind MyPlate's recommendation to "fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal."

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Gluten-Free and Nutrient Rich

Between celiac disease, gluten sensitivity, and dietary choices, it seems like everyone knows at least a few people who are no longer eating gluten. However, just because you or a family member has given up gluten doesn't mean that you have to miss out on nutrients. Today I'd like to share a guide to a few of my favorite healthful, vitamin- and mineral-rich foods, all of which are free of gluten...

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Diet Swap Increases Risk of Colon Cancer in Two Weeks

If Americans stick with a diet that is far lower in fatty animal products and cholesterol and composed largely of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, then they will reduce the inflammation and other chemical changes that promote colon cancer.

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Happy Health Education Week!

Happy Health Education Week! Here are some of the top health education resources that my team and I have created over the years. Since we're here to help you look your very best, right now, I thought I would collect our favorite posts on popular health topics and share them in one handy place! So here you go -- our top blog posts about heart health, diabetes, cancer, nutrition, and physical activity. Which ones will make your life easier?

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September Resource Rundown

Looking for some free resources to promote September's monthly themes? Your search is over! Here is a comprehensive list of links to promote the food and health subjects of September. There are fantastic recipes, great photos, PDF handouts, and more...

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