Diabetes and Your Heart

If you are like many people with diabetes, you put a lot of effort into controlling your blood sugar numbers. You watch what you eat, prick your fingers, take your medications and more! But many people with diabetes forget that there are other health numbers that are just as important as blood sugar. These numbers are the ones that deal with the health of your heart...

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weight control, diabetes Stephanie Ronco weight control, diabetes Stephanie Ronco

Diabetes and Weight Loss

There’s good news for overweight people with type 2 diabetes: small amounts of weight loss can benefit you in many ways! In fact, losing weight soon after diagnosis may offer better blood pressure and glucose control years down the line, even if the weight is regained.

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The Unique Adverse Metabolic Effects of Fructose

While there is little credible scientific evidence implicating HFCS as being far worse metabolically than other concentrated sweeteners, it does appear that all of these sweeteners may have some unique metabolic effects due to their high fructose content.

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cooking, diabetes Stephanie Ronco cooking, diabetes Stephanie Ronco

Fruit and Diabetes

People with diabetes shouldn?t be afraid of fruit! Fruit is packed with vitamins and minerals, including antioxidants. It also contains dietary fiber, which fills you up and helps with blood sugar control. Fruit?s sweet taste makes it a natural and healthful dessert too.

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cooking, diabetes, longevity Stephanie Ronco cooking, diabetes, longevity Stephanie Ronco

Individualizing Patient Care: Does that Include Individualizing A1C Goals?

General recommendations from the ADA are to attain an A1C of less than 7%, but this is not the appropriate goal for everyone with diabetes. Like medications, diet, and physical activity, blood glucose goals must also be individualized. For some people with diabetes, an A1C of less than 6.5% is ideal, and for others a good goal is less than 8% or even 8.5%, according to a 2012 consensus report in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society and Diabetes Care.

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