Potassium and the Dietary Guidelines

What is potassium? Why is it a nutrient of concern? How can people increase their potassium intake? What impact does potassium have on health? Get the answers to all these questions -- and more! -- in today's post!

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MyPlate Meal

One of the things I love about MyPlate is its practicality. Rather than asking you to imagine your daily eating habits as a pyramid, MyPlate simply rallies its viewers to make their plates look like its own image: a balanced plate. With half the plate devoted to fruits and vegetables, and the rest divided between protein and whole grains (with some nonfat dairy on the side), MyPlate presents a healthful approach to any meal or snack...

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Sweetening Drinks

Today, I want to talk about sweetening drinks, both hot and cold. There’s so much more to the story than sugar! Here are some of my favorite ways to sweeten drinks…

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5 Top Tips to Reduce Sodium Intake

There are lots of ways to cut down on sodium. Here are a few tried-and-tested approaches to reducing the salt in your diet...

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Citrus 101

What do you know about citrus? What do your clients know? Today I want to offer a closer look at the basics of citrus -- what types of citrus fruits there are, what nutrients they contain, what impact on health they can have, and ways to incorporate them into a healthful eating pattern. There's even a new handout, if you know where to look!

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cooking Stephanie Ronco cooking Stephanie Ronco

Basic Tips for Sous Vide Cooking

You’ve heard the saying “don’t try this at home,” but when you’re talking about sous vide cooking, that advice does not apply. Sous vide can be done at home, with the proper equipment and instructions… but there are some areas of concern and caution.

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More 3-Step Recipes for You and Your Clients

Here are 2 3-step recipes that are perfect for client counseling sessions, handouts, and cooking demonstrations. I hope you like them!

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cooking Stephanie Ronco cooking Stephanie Ronco

10 Must-Have Tools for the Home Kitchen

Doesn't having the right equipment make all the difference? It's that much easier to get a healthful dinner on the table when you're not improvising saucepans or digging through cutlery. In order to help your clients reach their health goals, I highly recommend that you make sure that they've got the essentials for healthful cooking on hand...

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Fruits and Veggies More Matters Month: Beyond Fresh Produce

It’s time to look beyond fresh produce for Fruits and Veggies More Matters Month. Today that means an exploration of ways to incorporate certain canned and frozen fruits and vegetables into a balanced eating plan.

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