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nutrition month Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII nutrition month Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

Sustainable Eating Made Simple (handout)

Sustainability is a complex global issue that centers around solving global warming and feeding future population growth. The good news is that there are many things we can do as consumers to make small changes that have a significant impact. Our health will benefit, too. Pick a few items on this list and see what works for you.

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Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

Nutrition Month (R) 2025

By embracing the "Beyond the Table" theme, you're acknowledging that health is a holistic concept that involves various lifestyle factors. Making informed choices in meal planning, shopping, and exercising contributes to an overall healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

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Judy Doherty Judy Doherty

MyPlate and Nutrition Month: Letting Sustainability Be A Guide PDF Worksheet and Handout

Here is how to use MyPlate for Nutrition Month for the Fueling the Future theme by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. This worksheet will get everyone thinking about making their MyPlate half fruits and veggies and then they are half way there! All they have to do is pick a whole grain and vary their protein to include plant protein a little bit. Give it a whirl!

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Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII Judy Doherty, MPS, PCII

Meatless Meals for the Everyday Cook

Here is a recap of all of the meatless meals we made for March. Which one was your favorite? All recipes here. #eatrightPROnutrimag #makeevverybitecount #healthydoesnthavetobehard #simplehealth #funcionalwellness #wholewellness #wholebodyhealth #MyPlate #OnMyPlate #ChooseMyPlate #MyPlateStartSimplePROnutrimag!

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nutrition month Stephanie Ronco nutrition month Stephanie Ronco

Nutrition Month Contest Ideas

Well, National Nutrition Month is over. We sure had a lot of fun celebrating this year. One of our favorite celebrations was our free poster contest, which we ran every week on our Facebook page. Each week we asked a question we were dying to the know the answer to, and each week we picked a winning post and gave away a new poster. Want to see who won each poster?

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kids, nutrition month Stephanie Ronco kids, nutrition month Stephanie Ronco

Free Handout: Nutrition Month for Kids

Nutrition Month can be fun for the whole family! Don't leave kids out of the loop -- these lessons are important for them too. To help with that idea, and to finish off our week of bonus Nutrition Month posts, today we bring you a wonderful handout that offers a perfect way to introduce important information about nutrition.

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Best Printable Nutrition Month Handouts

We've made a lot of fantastic free nutrition handouts over the years. I was just looking over our site stats, and I was overwhelmed by the amazing positive response they've earned. That's why, today, I'm going to share the top 10 printable nutrition handouts that have gotten the most rave reviews over the past year...

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Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD

Skip the Chips to Reduce Risk of Diabetes

Chips or cherries? Regular choices can prevent or promote the risk of developing diabetes. A new study out of University College London finds that swapping out ultra-processed foods with healthier options can reduce your risk of this chronic metabolic disease.

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Lisa Andrews Lisa Andrews

BRI Shapes Mortality Risk

Most health professionals are well versed in BMI (Body Mass Index) as a health measure associated with mortality, but have you heard of BRI? BRI stands for Body Roundness Index. It’s a measure of visceral obesity that may be linked with all-cause mortality.

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Judy Doherty Judy Doherty

Best Bets for Halloween Candy

Remember that moderation is key. While these options are generally considered healthier than traditional candy, they can still be high in calories and should be consumed in moderation. Always read labels and consider your own dietary preferences and restrictions.

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