Pears, Apples, OrangesIf there is one thing you can stock up on this holiday season, it is these fruits. Use them for centerpieces, snacks on the run, desserts, salads, and gifts. You can arrange bowls of fruit quickly to take to parties, leave them out on the counter or in the refrigerator in a bowl, so they are snatched as the snack of choice when everyone is busy.Cinnamon sticksUse these in coffee, to garnish fruit bowls and to flavor tea or cooked fruit dishes.Dried cranberriesDried cranberries can be delicious in salads, cookies, baked goods and oatmeal. What a wonderful and healthful way to add flavor and holiday color to many of the things you make. You will also want to spruce up your fruit bowls.Flavored teaAt the end of a hectic day during holiday season, treat yourself to a cup of flavored tea. Use tea to make a delicious healthful party drink - decorate it with cranberries and oranges for holiday flair.Potatoes and sweet potatoesPotatoes are so versatile and they really complete a meal. Half the battle of using them is to have them on hand in the first place. With winter being here, potatoes become warm comfort food that can be baked, oven-fried or mashed quickly. Team them with many items from sandwiches to salads to baked chicken or fish to chili.Fresh cranberriesIf you have these on hand you will enjoy using them in salads, steamed veggie dishes, sauces and baked items for the holidays.Dried apricots and assorted fruitsAnother idea for a fruit cake, instead of the high- calorie baked version, is the one we created with dried fruit and neuchatel cheese. The recipe for the fruit bombe is at
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
Healthful Holiday Shopping Ideas
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
Tulip Pie
Calcium Supplements Not What You Think