Kitchen Appliances for the Holidays

Here is a great list of kitchen machines for holiday buying. Why kitchen machines? Because they do one job very good and help you get a home made dinner done faster.Bread Machine: Zojirushi makes a great one pound machine that we like to use for whole grain bread and no-sodium pizza or calzone dough. Now we have a great, healthy, whole grain crust that is not messy.Rice Cooker: this makes whole grain cooking so easy and attendance free.Air Popper: Kids can make popcorn that is more fun and more healthful than the microwave variety.Yogurt Maker: More fun for kids to encourage them to eat yogurt and fruit. Everyone loves what they make themselves.Panini Maker: Now you can grill veggies and make fun sandwiches using more vegetables with this great grill.CrockPot: This is an essential for cooking beans, healthy stews, whole chickens and soups.Quesadilla Maker: This is our best choice because we make lowfat vegetarian quesadillas at least once a week.

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Stephanie Ronco

Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.


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