Holiday handouts: Go to our site at and check out our free holiday handouts.These handouts feature A Light Pumpkin Pie Recipe, Holidays Without the Weight, and a Halloween handout.You may also want to search on past issues of Communicating Food for Health for more holiday presentation ideas, handouts and recipes. The November/December issues are online now.Free online holiday articles: ARA Copy now has free updated articles for the holiday season. Go to and indicate whether you are a print or online editor. You will have access to many different topics for the holidays.We have updated our online links to recipes and resources for the holidays. Go to: and click on Holidays.Here is an from a subscriber: “We will be doing nutrition classes for the community. I've decided to have them bring in a favorite recipe at the first class. Then at the last or 5th class, we will redo it to make it more heart and calorically healthy without sacrificing taste. I plan on choosing one for them to demo that last night with the changes I would make and have everyone sample it!” – Frances M. Lechak, RD, LDN
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
Holiday Presentation Ideas
Holiday handouts: Go to our site at and check out our free holiday handouts.These handouts feature A Light Pumpkin Pie Recipe, Holidays Without the Weight, and a Halloween handout.You may also want to search on past issues of Communicating Food for Health for more holiday presentation ideas, handouts and recipes. The November/December issues are online now.Free online holiday articles: ARA Copy now has free updated articles for the holiday season. Go to and indicate whether you are a print or online editor. You will have access to many different topics for the holidays.We have updated our online links to recipes and resources for the holidays. Go to: and click on Holidays.Here is an from a subscriber: “We will be doing nutrition classes for the community. I've decided to have them bring in a favorite recipe at the first class. Then at the last or 5th class, we will redo it to make it more heart and calorically healthy without sacrificing taste. I plan on choosing one for them to demo that last night with the changes I would make and have everyone sample it!” – Frances M. Lechak, RD, LDN
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
Food News: Broccosprouts
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