Despite the busyness of this season, December is always a good time to sit back and look at the past year. Evaluate your successes. Are you healthier now than you were a year ago? Did you achieve some personal goals?If you’ve been reading this newsletter all year, then you know about our Positive Resolution series. The idea here was that instead of making sweeping resolutions for changing behaviors last January (resolutions that most people never keep), we suggested that you make 12 small goals for yourself for the whole year. Each month built upon the previous months. And the ultimate goal was that at the end of the year, you'd have twelve new habits and a more healthful lifestyle. Want to review each resolution? We've got you covered...
You’ll note that all of these are all positive changes. None of them required you to stop doing something or give up something. Or at least that wasn't the focus. How did your year go? Were some months easier than others? Harder? Do you have some new or different habits than you did a year ago? The new year is coming. Celebrate the positives and look forward to continued growth in the months to come. By Cheryle Jones Syracuse, MS, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
Twelve Months of Positive Resolutions
Despite the busyness of this season, December is always a good time to sit back and look at the past year. Evaluate your successes. Are you healthier now than you were a year ago? Did you achieve some personal goals?If you’ve been reading this newsletter all year, then you know about our Positive Resolution series. The idea here was that instead of making sweeping resolutions for changing behaviors last January (resolutions that most people never keep), we suggested that you make 12 small goals for yourself for the whole year. Each month built upon the previous months. And the ultimate goal was that at the end of the year, you'd have twelve new habits and a more healthful lifestyle. Want to review each resolution? We've got you covered...
You’ll note that all of these are all positive changes. None of them required you to stop doing something or give up something. Or at least that wasn't the focus. How did your year go? Were some months easier than others? Harder? Do you have some new or different habits than you did a year ago? The new year is coming. Celebrate the positives and look forward to continued growth in the months to come. By Cheryle Jones Syracuse, MS, Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
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