Today's blog post comes as a reader request.I was so pleased to see this response to the cooking substitution chart we made a while back, and I knew I had to get moving and create a resource to answer her questions...
Hi Judy,Very nice, thank you!If you ever expand the sweetener alternative selections, please consider adding Stevia. One could probably do a whole infographic on sugar substitutes, and include things such as heat stable/can you cook or bake with it, etc. Also I’ve notice quite a variance in sweetening power. Truvia, 3/4 tsp. = 2 tsp. sugar, whereas with Publix Stevia, 1/2 tsp. = 2 tsp. sugar. Perhaps one could include agave and other sweetener options.I tried Stevia in my favorite chocolate sorbet with poor results, but haven’t tried tweaking it. If you have a frozen yogurt or sorbet recipe with a sugar alternative, please share.I tried your chocolate pudding with tofu, and enjoyed it. Next time I think I will try with Stevia.Thanks again!Have a wonderful week.Sharol
My team and I jumped into action, researching sugars and sugar substitutes while crafting a chart that would make everything we found accessible to your clients. Here's the result!With information on nutritive and non-nutritive sweeteners, their properties, uses, and sweetness as compared to sugar, we think we've whipped up a pretty great introduction to the world of sweeteners.The sugars and sugar substitutes we featured in this chart include...
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
New Sweetener Chart!
Today's blog post comes as a reader request.I was so pleased to see this response to the cooking substitution chart we made a while back, and I knew I had to get moving and create a resource to answer her questions...
Hi Judy,Very nice, thank you!If you ever expand the sweetener alternative selections, please consider adding Stevia. One could probably do a whole infographic on sugar substitutes, and include things such as heat stable/can you cook or bake with it, etc. Also I’ve notice quite a variance in sweetening power. Truvia, 3/4 tsp. = 2 tsp. sugar, whereas with Publix Stevia, 1/2 tsp. = 2 tsp. sugar. Perhaps one could include agave and other sweetener options.I tried Stevia in my favorite chocolate sorbet with poor results, but haven’t tried tweaking it. If you have a frozen yogurt or sorbet recipe with a sugar alternative, please share.I tried your chocolate pudding with tofu, and enjoyed it. Next time I think I will try with Stevia.Thanks again!Have a wonderful week.Sharol
My team and I jumped into action, researching sugars and sugar substitutes while crafting a chart that would make everything we found accessible to your clients. Here's the result!
With information on nutritive and non-nutritive sweeteners, their properties, uses, and sweetness as compared to sugar, we think we've whipped up a pretty great introduction to the world of sweeteners.The sugars and sugar substitutes we featured in this chart include...
Want more detail? Get your copy of the sweetener chart today!
For a more legible chart with a larger font, we've split the data onto 2 pages. So check out Page One and Page Two for a different view of the same information.
And if you'd like to delve deeper into the world of sweeteners, check out the member-exclusive expanded edition of the chart, which features 5 more sugar substitutes!
We're here to help you look your very best right now! Drop by the Nutrition Education Store to see even more sugar resources...

Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
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