Subscribers are working on:We're offering four-session cooking schools for entire families who are enrolled in the free/reduced lunch programs at local public elementary schools. We are working at gathering standardized care/guidelines for how we educate our diabetic patients and how to help with prevention. Jill Rosas, RD, LD I'm teaching three-hour home food preservation classes with an emphasis on pressure canning and other safe preservation methods. More people plan to garden and harvest and put up so I'm ready for them. Nancy L. Yergin, MS, RD, LDNWe are a NIH We Can! county, so working on a county wide initiative to decrease screen time, increase activity and make healthier food choices. We piloted a program a 6 week parent/kid program at two of our YMCA's and are now working with Andrews University to facilitate teaching these classes at various community sites as part of their curriculum for their community nutrition class. Pamela Kurtz MS RD CDERight now I am working on a meal planning packet for my members. Susanne M. Luchetti, MS,RD,LDN (Thanks to Susanne’s questions, we have added a step by step instruction process for how to plan a menu to our online FAQs at - click on Communicating Food for Health and then “Searching for” and you will see her question and many others where we provide the answer - you can ask us more by clicking on contact at the bottom of our site).We are in class 3 of a series of 4 classes on Dining with Diabetes. This class is being taught cooperatively with the Wyandotte County Master Food Volunteers and K-State Research & Extension, Family Consumer Sciences Agent. Lori L. WuellnerI am working on summer program brochures. I'm offering Kitchen Survival for Teens and Homemade From Me To You for youth and Preserving Foods at Home for adults. Gayle WillifordI have just completed 4-week two-hour classes on Diabetes Cooking School and Food Choices (sugar and sweeteners, fats, fiber, sodium, fruits and vegetables etc. ) as well as cooing processes. I also do weekly 5-minute radio program and monthly article for local newspaper on nutrition and I teach monthly to variety of adult and youth audiences on nutrition using the healthy plate concept, portion control etc. Kaye M. SmithI'm preparing a segment for a local TVstation regarding healthy, low-cost foods to purchase. Linda S. Gossett, MPA, CFCS.I am developing a class on women's nutritional health issues, a 6-weeks healthy weight challenge class session and thinking about doing a men's nutritional health class. Brigitte Harton, RDWe are working on incorporating the Mediterranean Diet into our heart healthy program.Fran Lechak.I'm working mostly with weight loss at the moment. Nancy Fisco Miller MS RD LDI'm currently doing pre-diabetes education, money management for youth and adults, reducing sodium in your diet and disaster preparation. Julie B. England, Extension Agent IOur SNAP Ed Coalition is focusing on: Tips for Stretching Food dollars, Easy and tasty ways to include more fruits and vegetables in your meals, and seasonal fruits and veggies. Anne Olson.DASH presentations; weight management; healthy restaurant meal options and cancer nutrition care. Trudy K. Kapaun RD,LD,CDWorking on the concepts of food as the key player in health versus segmentation of nutrients and promotion for health. Suzy Weems, PhD, RD, CSSD, LD, CFCS.
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
Educator Idea File: What We're Working On
Subscribers are working on:We're offering four-session cooking schools for entire families who are enrolled in the free/reduced lunch programs at local public elementary schools. We are working at gathering standardized care/guidelines for how we educate our diabetic patients and how to help with prevention. Jill Rosas, RD, LD I'm teaching three-hour home food preservation classes with an emphasis on pressure canning and other safe preservation methods. More people plan to garden and harvest and put up so I'm ready for them. Nancy L. Yergin, MS, RD, LDNWe are a NIH We Can! county, so working on a county wide initiative to decrease screen time, increase activity and make healthier food choices. We piloted a program a 6 week parent/kid program at two of our YMCA's and are now working with Andrews University to facilitate teaching these classes at various community sites as part of their curriculum for their community nutrition class. Pamela Kurtz MS RD CDERight now I am working on a meal planning packet for my members. Susanne M. Luchetti, MS,RD,LDN (Thanks to Susanne’s questions, we have added a step by step instruction process for how to plan a menu to our online FAQs at - click on Communicating Food for Health and then “Searching for” and you will see her question and many others where we provide the answer - you can ask us more by clicking on contact at the bottom of our site).We are in class 3 of a series of 4 classes on Dining with Diabetes. This class is being taught cooperatively with the Wyandotte County Master Food Volunteers and K-State Research & Extension, Family Consumer Sciences Agent. Lori L. WuellnerI am working on summer program brochures. I'm offering Kitchen Survival for Teens and Homemade From Me To You for youth and Preserving Foods at Home for adults. Gayle WillifordI have just completed 4-week two-hour classes on Diabetes Cooking School and Food Choices (sugar and sweeteners, fats, fiber, sodium, fruits and vegetables etc. ) as well as cooing processes. I also do weekly 5-minute radio program and monthly article for local newspaper on nutrition and I teach monthly to variety of adult and youth audiences on nutrition using the healthy plate concept, portion control etc. Kaye M. SmithI'm preparing a segment for a local TVstation regarding healthy, low-cost foods to purchase. Linda S. Gossett, MPA, CFCS.I am developing a class on women's nutritional health issues, a 6-weeks healthy weight challenge class session and thinking about doing a men's nutritional health class. Brigitte Harton, RDWe are working on incorporating the Mediterranean Diet into our heart healthy program.Fran Lechak.I'm working mostly with weight loss at the moment. Nancy Fisco Miller MS RD LDI'm currently doing pre-diabetes education, money management for youth and adults, reducing sodium in your diet and disaster preparation. Julie B. England, Extension Agent IOur SNAP Ed Coalition is focusing on: Tips for Stretching Food dollars, Easy and tasty ways to include more fruits and vegetables in your meals, and seasonal fruits and veggies. Anne Olson.DASH presentations; weight management; healthy restaurant meal options and cancer nutrition care. Trudy K. Kapaun RD,LD,CDWorking on the concepts of food as the key player in health versus segmentation of nutrients and promotion for health. Suzy Weems, PhD, RD, CSSD, LD, CFCS.
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
Summer Shopping Best Bets
25 Ingredients, 15 Meal Ideas