Apple Crisps
Here is a delicious way to serve crispy apple slices as a garnish for your next masterpiece dessert or as the dessert itself.
Simple Syrup:1 cup sugar1 cup water
- Bring water to a boil.
- Add sugar and remove from heat.
- Allow to cool to use as simple syrup to moisten sponges.
To make apple crisps or pear crisps for garnish:1 apple or pear
- Slice whole apples or pears on mandolin so they are the thickness of cover stock paper. Very thin. Do not peel or core.
- Remove seeds.
- Poach one minute in simple syrup.
- Bake flat on silicon sheet or parchment paper in 200-250 degree oven for 30-45 minutes or until brown.
- Remove from silicon sheet and keep flat or bend. Store in dry place in covered container.
- Use for garnish on yogurt, fruit, cereal, and frozen yogurt. The apple crisps are also great when served as a snack.