Do You Have an Efficient Kitchen?

Become a Master Chef!10 Ways to Test Kitchen Efficiency:Place a check mark next to each statement that is true in your kitchen...

  1. _____ Do you clean your refrigerator on a weekly basis? It’s best to do before a grocery run so you can plan to use what you have while making your list and so that you have plenty of room to store your groceries.
  2. _____ Are your cutting boards easily accessible and in good condition?
  3. _____ Do you have a variety of sharp knives that are easy to find and use?
  4. _____ How does your supply of cooking utensils look? Do you have adequate spoons, ladles, spatulas, etc?
  5. _____ Do you have enough pots and pans? Can you find the lids?
  6. _____ Are your microwave-safe containers organized and easy to find?
  7. _____ Do you have enough storage containers and bags? (These will make storing “planned overs” and packing healthful lunches a breeze)!
  8. _____ Do you have the equipment you need in order to make your job easier? This could be...* Microwave* Toaster oven* Food processor and/or blender* Rice cooker* Stand mixer or hand mixer
  9. _____ Is your freezer clean with relatively new foods? Or is it packed and messy? An organized freezer makes cooking much easier.
  10. _____ Do you have enough room to work on your counters?

Give yourself a point for every item checked...

  • 1-3 points: You’ve got some work to do.
  • 4-6 points: Good start! Try our tips.
  • 7-10 points: You have an efficient kitchen!

For Fast Meals, Keep These on Hand:Dry:

  • Pasta and pasta sauce
  • Rice
  • Oil and vinegar
  • Spices, herbs, seasonings
  • Whole grain bread and cereals
  • Canned beans and soups
  • Tuna


  • Skim milk
  • Fat-free yogurt and sour cream
  • Orange juice
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Trans fat-free margarine


  • Frozen veggie assortments
  • Veggie burgers
  • Nuts and seeds
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Stephanie Ronco

Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.


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