May 2020


May 2020 for Premium Food and Health Communication Members:

Table of Contents:

  • Read-offline PDF newsletter
  • Research update for professionals
  • White label newsletter
  • Shareable articles and handouts
  • Graphic of the month
  • Special member-only discounts

Read-Offline PDF:Here's the entire PDF edition of May 2020, ready for you to download to read offline, print for your next meeting or presentation, or distribute however you see fit!

 Professional’s Corner:

  • Research Update: What Works for Long Term Weight Control? by James J. Kenney, PhD, FACN
  • White Label Newsletter: Here's the White Label Newsletter of the May 2020 newsletter that you can distribute as your own. You can even add your logo! This is perfect to copy into emails, blogs, newsletters, and handouts.
    • NEW PLEASE NOTE: The PowerPoint formatting of the White Label Newsletter is much easier to edit and we made this change thanks to a member who wanted to be able to edit everything very easily and even change pages out or add pages more easily. The size is letter size so you can save as PDF or export as jpeg, tiff (print), and even a movie with your voiceover. Give it a whirl!

Article Links to Share with Your Clients:

  1. Chunky Spaghetti Recipe by Judy Doherty, BS, PC II
  2. DASH Spring Salad Recipe by Judy Doherty, BS, PC II
  3. Imperfect is Just Perfect by Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD
  4. Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? by Jill Weisenberger, MS, RDN, CDE, CHWC, FAND
  5. Let’s Compare Some Snacks! by Judy Doherty, BS, PC II

May Graphic:Editor's Note:This is a strange time for us all. To help you as best I can, I’ve gathered some fantastic health information from our amazing team of dietitians and researchers.Don’t miss COVID-19 Nutrition 101 by Lisa Andrews, or Can You Reverse Type 2 Diabetes? by Jill Weisenberger this month – they’re getting down to the bottom of things that your clients really want to know.The recipes are designed to be more simple since grocery supplies are dwindling in many areas or folks are busy with the news and juggling their family duties.And there’s much more in this issue alone, not to mention the archive that’s also available to you.When you are logged in you have the ability to "super search" through all content by using the top bar.If by chance there’s something you can’t find but would like to see, let us know right away by clicking “Contact Us” at the top of and we’ll get to work!Discounts: Looking for a discount from our online store or Check out TRY10NOW!

Stephanie Ronco

Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.


June 2020


April 2020