When patients and their families are handed a diabetes diagnosis, they can feel overwhelmed by the news. On top of that are all the changes that are needed in terms of lifestyle, diet, and healthcare.As an educator, we know that you have to offer your clients a wide range of important information that will help them take control of their health. We know you can feel frustrated when they don’t understand or comply because this information matters so much for their quality of life.One day we got an email from Kristy Heisner, RD, who wanted us to write a 12 lesson program for diabetes so that she would have a planned curriculum that would organize and prioritize the information for her patients, making it fun and modern like the original 12 Lesson programs for weight loss and wellness. Her patients needed to take baby steps, learning one thing at a time and really mastering it before moving on to the next lesson. They need to keep coming back for support so that their diet and lifestyle changes stick and their healthful habits accumulate. We agreed with Kristy and began the long journey to develop this product.During the course of our research, we realized that the number of people with diabetes is not only mind boggling but also rapidly increasing. We discovered that educators need to rely on a wide range of sources for information, from BMI charts to the National Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Education Programs to a Diabetes version of MyPlate, to the Dietary Guidelines, diabetic exchanges, and Nutrition Facts labels. We know that the options for sugar substitutes are practically endless and that shopping is not easy for most people. And then there is the issue of exercise. I am sure you could add a few more things to this list. Where does anyone begin? That is a lesson, too!The 12 Lessons of Diabetes Program offers a ton of information, presented simply and clearly, organized in a straightforward way. Many dietitians and researchers have come together to contribute their expertise to this program, including James J. Kenney, PhD, FACN, Barbara Hart, MS, RD, Victoria Shanta Retelny, RD, LD, Jill Weisenberger, MS, RD, CDE, Beth Fontenot, MS, RD, pharmacist Barbara Rogers, and nurse Karla Logston, RN, BS, CDE. Plus, the program features key recommendations from the American Diabetes Association, the CDC, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, MyPlate, the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the National Institutes of Health, The National Cholesterol Program and more!We could not be more excited to introduce our comprehensive curriculum for diabetes management and prevention, The 12 Lessons of Diabetes.Our BRAND NEW 12 Lessons of Diabetes Program pulls together up-to-date information from experts in various fields in order to craft a comprehensive education program that will make a significant difference in the lives of your patients, improving their happiness, outlook, and health. You will provide an easy-to-teach (and learn!) program that looks great and puts you heads and shoulders ahead of all the other providers. Use it over and over again for years to come.Click here for all the details!This Program Will:
Help your clients learn how to manage diabetes quickly and successfully, putting them on the path to feeling “normal” again while getting their health under control.
Make you look great as an educator. It’s chock-full of up-to-date scientific research and proven teaching tools, presented in a simple and aesthetically-pleasing way.
Save you valuable time.
Bring you new potential clients through a pharmacy or patient outreach program, allowing you to cross-sell more services.
Improve client outreach and retention. When people are offered the tools they need, they will keep coming back and might even tell all their friends about you.
Make your job much easier - why reinvent the wheel? With this program, you can get home on time!
Get our bonus introductory program offer with an immediate download right now and then priority shipping of the packaged program complete with posters, a 171 page book and a CD with the color handouts and 12 beautiful powerpoint shows with speaker’s notes. Click here for the easy order form.Receive the 14 download files now and get the shipped program as soon as the book and CD are off the press on June 10th!Place your order now!Thank you!PS This introductory offer with 25% off and a free bonus download plus free shipping will expire as soon as the items are off the press in June so don’t delay!"Priceless .... all you wanted to know about diabetes but were afraid to ask ..... The 12 Lessons of Diabetes is the ultimate reference for health practitioners in their quest for optimal diabetic teaching resource materials." -- Barbara Hart, MS, RD.
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
Diabetes Education and You
Get our bonus introductory program offer with an immediate download right now and then priority shipping of the packaged program complete with posters, a 171 page book and a CD with the color handouts and 12 beautiful powerpoint shows with speaker’s notes. Click here for the easy order form.Receive the 14 download files now and get the shipped program as soon as the book and CD are off the press on June 10th!Place your order now!Thank you!PS This introductory offer with 25% off and a free bonus download plus free shipping will expire as soon as the items are off the press in June so don’t delay!"Priceless .... all you wanted to know about diabetes but were afraid to ask ..... The 12 Lessons of Diabetes is the ultimate reference for health practitioners in their quest for optimal diabetic teaching resource materials." -- Barbara Hart, MS, RD.
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
Happy Birthday to MyPlate!
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