Oh man, was it ever hard to choose a winner for the August 2014 Poster Contest.You just have such great ideas!There were over 75 entries and I took days trying to choose a winner. Then I decided that there was no way to choose just one winner, so I debated the merits of selecting three winners instead. But three spots weren't enough either. The entries were simply too good!So, how many people won this contest?21.That's right! There were 21 winners of the August 2014 Poster Contest!Want to see what they wrote? Here are a few of the winning answers to the question "What would you do with a free Freedom from Chronic Disease poster?""Having this poster would be very beneficial to the more than 300 people I see daily at our food bank in Phoenix. As we always promote healthy lifestyles at the food bank, this would be a great addition to remind those the importance of healthy eating."
-- Anna Costa, Desert Mission Food Bank
"I'd love to have this poster for the lobby of my large WIC clinic. We work in the area where the healthy nutrition habits begin: with oms soon to be moms, infants and children. The poster would certainly be a bright spot in our waiting room and I am sure would provoke some conversation. Just this morning I was watching a mom with her three young boys who were looking at a slide on our digital signage. It was a picture of a "sandwich" made by stacking a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. The children had a conversation going with their mom about this beautiful graphic. She was actually telling them about the fruits and vegetables and how good they were for them. I could foresee so many conversations happening like that if we had the poster in our lobby."
-- Peggy Redfern, RD
"I am always encouraging students to be creative with their food presentation and eat more vegetaables -this promotes both. The ages would be 7th to 12th grade, a wide exposure."
-- Ellen Moon
"I work as a community health nurse in a neighborhood food pantry in an urban area. Almost every day I am in my office, people with chronic illnesses come to see me for one reason or another. And for nearly all of these people, there is a dietary component to their illness and management of symptoms. While I try to inform and educate people about this, having a nice poster (like the one illustrated) in the pantry waiting room might spark some thought and help me to use it as a basis for discussion if/when they come to visit with me. We are on a barebones budget so any help for waiting room or even office ."
-- Margie
"I will use it on a display board at one of the Elementary schools I do Nutrition lesson in. I would use it to promote healthier eating as a family. I would encourage family with a contest to come up with their own Poster idea and show off what they do to be healthy at home."
-- Tina Thompson
"I work in a Cardiac Prevention and Rehab department. We have a bulletin board in the center of our Rehab center that we change out monthly. The topics are all related to healthy lifestyle topics, including exercise, AND nutrition topics. I would love to win this poster to feature it in a display for National Heart Disease Awareness month."
-- Rita
"I would hang it in the dining hall of the behavioral treatment residence to inspire 70 children and 100 staff (3 daily shifts) whom I work with daily to deliver nourishing meals and motivating eating messages."
-- Jodi
"I would use this poster during educaitonal programs in my low-income school districts in my small county in NE Texas. I would also use it when talking with those families receiving food stamps and a home for unwed pregnant women in our county. The poster promotes the freedoms we have to make healthy lifestyle choices. It also is empowering to know that we are in charge of what we put in our mouths."
-- Julie York
And of course there are many, many more. We'll be sharing more of these great display ideas throughout the month, along with updates from our poster winners.Stay tuned! The next poster contest will be announced soon!And in the meantime, check out these amazing posters that are all available in the Nutrition Education Store...
Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
August Poster Contest: Winners Revealed!
-- Anna Costa, Desert Mission Food Bank
"I'd love to have this poster for the lobby of my large WIC clinic. We work in the area where the healthy nutrition habits begin: with oms soon to be moms, infants and children. The poster would certainly be a bright spot in our waiting room and I am sure would provoke some conversation. Just this morning I was watching a mom with her three young boys who were looking at a slide on our digital signage. It was a picture of a "sandwich" made by stacking a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables. The children had a conversation going with their mom about this beautiful graphic. She was actually telling them about the fruits and vegetables and how good they were for them. I could foresee so many conversations happening like that if we had the poster in our lobby."
-- Peggy Redfern, RD
"I am always encouraging students to be creative with their food presentation and eat more vegetaables -this promotes both. The ages would be 7th to 12th grade, a wide exposure."
-- Ellen Moon
"I work as a community health nurse in a neighborhood food pantry in an urban area. Almost every day I am in my office, people with chronic illnesses come to see me for one reason or another. And for nearly all of these people, there is a dietary component to their illness and management of symptoms. While I try to inform and educate people about this, having a nice poster (like the one illustrated) in the pantry waiting room might spark some thought and help me to use it as a basis for discussion if/when they come to visit with me. We are on a barebones budget so any help for waiting room or even office ."
-- Margie
-- Tina Thompson
"I work in a Cardiac Prevention and Rehab department. We have a bulletin board in the center of our Rehab center that we change out monthly. The topics are all related to healthy lifestyle topics, including exercise, AND nutrition topics. I would love to win this poster to feature it in a display for National Heart Disease Awareness month."
-- Rita
"I would hang it in the dining hall of the behavioral treatment residence to inspire 70 children and 100 staff (3 daily shifts) whom I work with daily to deliver nourishing meals and motivating eating messages."
-- Jodi
"I would use this poster during educaitonal programs in my low-income school districts in my small county in NE Texas. I would also use it when talking with those families receiving food stamps and a home for unwed pregnant women in our county. The poster promotes the freedoms we have to make healthy lifestyle choices. It also is empowering to know that we are in charge of what we put in our mouths."
-- Julie York
And of course there are many, many more. We'll be sharing more of these great display ideas throughout the month, along with updates from our poster winners.Stay tuned! The next poster contest will be announced soon!And in the meantime, check out these amazing posters that are all available in the Nutrition Education Store...

Stephanie Ronco has been editing for Food and Health Communications since 2011. She graduated from Colorado College magna cum laude with distinction in Comparative Literature. She was elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 2008.
Free Nutrition Poster Contest
Celebrate National Mushroom Month with Chicken with Mushrooms