Food and Health Communications

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Fun Vegetable Trivia: Butternut Squash

It's time for more vegetable trivia and today's featured veggie is...Butternut squash!This tasty winter squash is a nutrient powerhouse, with fantastic levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium in a single serving.How better to introduce it to your audience than with some fun facts?Fun Fact #1: The word “squash” comes from "askutasquash," which in turn comes from the Narragansett Native Americans. Aaskutasquash means “eaten raw or uncooked...” though we typically cook squash before we eat it!Fun Fact #2: Butternut squash can be easily peeled with a vegetable peeler, though the skin is technically edible.Fun Fact #3: Winter squashes are native to North and South America and have been cultivated for over 10,000 years!How will you put these fun facts to good use?Here are links to the rest of the series and keep your eyes peeled! More is coming soon!

