Food and Health Communications

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January 2018

January 2018 for Premium Food and Health Communication Members:

Table of Contents:

  • Read offline PDF
  • Research update for professionals
  • White label newsletter (.docx)
  • Shareable articles and handouts
  • Graphic of the month
  • Special member-only discounts
  • New resources from Nutrition Education Store

Read-Offline PDF:Here's the entire PDF edition of the January 2018 newsletter, ready for you to download to read offline or distribute however you see fit!

Professional’s Corner:

  • Research Update: Modern Diet Promotes Gallstones by James J. Kenney, Phd RD, FACN
  • White Label Newsletter: Here's the Microsoft Word version of a white label newsletter that you can distribute however you'd like. You can even add your own logo! This is perfect to copy into emails, blogs, newsletters, and handouts. 

Article Links With Handouts to Share with Your Clients:

  1. White Potato Soup by Judy Doherty, BS, PC II
  2. Winter Squash Salad by Judy Doherty, BS, PC II
  3. Smarter Lunchrooms by Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD
  4. Winter Squash: Nutrient Powerhouse by Lynn Grieger, RDN, CDE, CPT, CHWC
  5. Eating Mediterranean by Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD
  6. Meal Timing and Frequency by Lynn Grieger, RDN, CDE, CPT, CHWC
  7. Defeat Diabetes with Legumes by Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD
  8. Brain Cells May Aid Waist Management by Lisa Andrews, MEd, RD, LD

Graphic of the Month:Editor's Note:Did you know that the USDA’s Team Nutrition Program has released a customizable outreach toolkit to help people get involved with local school wellness policy?It’s true!This toolkit includes flyers for parents (in English and Spanish), templates for letters to the principal, newsletter options, presentation templates, social media ideas, and more!Get all the details at did we mention that it’s free?Finally, you can use the code 2018GREAT to save 10% off any course or any membership, or to save 10% on any item in the store (with free shipping too!).Oh oh! Here's a peek at the best heart resources in the store...