Food and Health Communications

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Stop Stress Eating

Stress eating plays a role in many people's battles with weight management. Fortunately, there are ways to cope with stress without overeating. Here are a few ideas...Do something just for you.

  • Learn how to do progressive deep relaxation. This involves two steps. Step one is to tense up muscle groups and then relax them.

  • Listen to music.

  • Go for a walk.

  • Go out with some friends.

  • Get enough exercise. Try to move a little more each day.

  • Get enough sleep. Most adults require 7-9 hours of sleep according to the CDC.

  • Eat a heart-healthy diet that is based on unprocessed food.

Find reasonable alternatives to deal with stress without overeating.

  • Join a health club. Make a commitment to exercise 3-5 times each week. Find a partner to exercise with and keep you motivated.

  • Take a class and learn a new hobby.

  • Leave the house to avoid excess eating.

  • Take a couple of laps around the mall before or after dinner.

  • Mow the lawn.

  • Weed the garden.

  • Clean the house.

  • Consider buying a piece of home exercise equipment. Exercise while you watch TV.

Take steps to manage your stress.

  • Be aware of your stressors.

  • Reduce your emotional reaction to stress. Take a deep breath and try to relax.

  • Practice how to deal with major stressors in your life.

  • Learn what you can change. Decide what is worth fighting for.

  • Build up your physical reserves. Take care of yourself by:

    • Cutting back on caffeine consumption during times of stress.

    • Eating healthful meals. Be sure you are meeting your nutritional needs. Visit if you aren’t sure about what you should be eating.

    • Getting enough sleep. If you have difficulty sleeping, see a professional.

    • Having some fun. Take vacations and leave your stresses at home.

    • Learning to say no. It's ok to take care of your own needs.

    • Including friends and family in your life, regardless of how busy you are.

    • Setting realistic goals for yourself.

    • Expecting some bumps in the road. Things will get better over time.