Food and Health Communications

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Snacking Lesson and Sneak Preview to New Portion Control DVD

We are working on our Portion Control DVD and wanted to present a few of the photos taken from the snacking section.We measured 150 calories of chips, cheese puffs and mini cookies and then compared those with 150 calories of carrots, grapes and berries. It is amazing at how much MORE you get to eat with the fruits and veggies.The final platter of mixed fruits and veggies with a 1/2 serving of favorite whole wheat crackers would make 2 large servings at just 90 calories each, far more food, and far fewer calories than a measly ounce of potato chips.Our best lesson: Don't let the food manufacturer determine your servings! The second photo of all the snack foods show packages that look like one serving but are 2.5 to 4 servings each. The large chocolate bar is 3 servings or 600 calories total!