Food and Health Communications

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Nutrition Olympics

Shauna Schultz, RD, plays games to keep kids interested in nutrition and health education.
1. Set up different stations for children to participate in, making sure each activity is age appropriate. Station ideas include melon dumbells, apple toss and broccoli forest (obstacle course), carrot javelin throw and a rainbow track.2. You may choose to use plastic versions of fruits and vegetables for the activities to cut down on the mess.3. Children will have the opportunity to participate in each activity and learn about the featured fruit/vegetable at the same time. For instance, at the melon dumbell station they can lift the dumbell, learn about different kinds of melons and which vitamins and minerals they contain.4. Posters can be displayed showing different varieties as well as the vitamins present and the benefits. For example, write vitamin A on a poster board and include pictures of eyes, skin, etc. to show the benefit.5. You may also choose to have a trivia contest, food samples, coloring stations or novelty items for the children to take. It’s also nice to set up a table for parents where they can take recipes and fact sheets.6. Playing themed music as well as dressing in fruit or vegetable attire may liven up the event.