Food and Health Communications

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Reader Request: Healthy Dairy Choices

It's time for another reader request! This one came from Marsha Hubert, RN and director of Cardiac Rehab at a nearby hospital. She asked...

Do you have any handouts referring to healthy dairy choices? I am an RN in a cardiac rehab dept. I have a support group meeting tomorrow and would like to give guidance on dairy products for people with heart disease. 

I sent her what materials we had, right away, but then I decided that it was time for a more comprehensive look at healthy dairy choices. So I got my team together and we came up with a chart.What kind of chart, you ask?A big dairy comparison chart. I want your clients to be able to easily scan through various dairy products and compare saturated fat content, nutrient content, etc. This comparison chart can help them make healthful choices with ease.Ta-da! Here's the chart!Dairy ChartPlease note that the chart analyzes common dairy products, not solely the members of MyPlate's dairy group. Take a look at the calcium content and you'll see why some of these dairy products didn't make the cut into the MyPlate dairy group!Want your own copy? Here's a PDF!Dairy Comparison ChartPsssst! Members get an expanded chart, with even more information! In fact, there are 15 more dairy products on the members-only dairy chart. Check it out!Member Only Dairy ChartThere are lots of other dairy educational resources in the Nutrition Education Store. Here are some of the top sellers!PS: If you'd like a comparison chart with larger fonts, check out this version, which has been split into two pages for easier reading.Dairy Chart Page 1Dairy Chart Page 2* Nutrition information from