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Breakfast: Beware of Calories

Food Calories Fat Fiber
Jelly Donut 210 8 1
Croissant 360 17 0
Multigrain Bagel 380 6 5
Glazed Donut 350 8 1
Bran muffin 430 18 3
Bacon Egg & Cheese Biscuit 440 25 1
Fresh Apple Pastry 440 24 2
Bear Claw 460 27 2
No Sugar Banana Nut Coffee Cake 490 27 3
Lemon Poppy Seed Mini Bundt 460 20 0
Cinnamon Roll 490 14 1
Caffè Vanilla Frappuccino 490 14 0
Blueberry muffin 520 28 1
Bacon Egg Cheese Croissant 520 33 0
Cinnamon Chip Scone 530 27 2
Pecan Roll 590 32 4
Hotcakes 610 18 3
Cheese Danish 640 34 0
McDonalds Big Breakfast 780 50 4
Hotcakes and Sausage 780 33 3
McDonalds Deluxe Breakfast 1320 63 5
Source: McDonalds Starbucks Panera Bread Dunkin Donuts Einstein Bagels.

If someone asked you, “what is a better choice, a bran muffin or a jelly donut?” you would likely be tempted to guess the bran muffin. That is, until you look at the list above. We were surprised to find that the jelly donut is lower in calories than many popular breakfast choices. We were also surprised at how many choices that seem good or don’t sound too bad, actually ring in a LOT of calories and fat, never to mention, little fiber.Even if you are running out the door with no time, you are so much better off to grab a piece of fruit to go. Fruit will supply you with more nutrients and fiber, and fewer calories and fat, than bakery and fast food items that become tempting mid morning.Best Quick Breakfast Bets

Calories Fat Fiber
English muffin 120 1 1.5
Oatmeal skim milk 231 3 3.5
Banana 105 0 3
Yogurt 1 cup light 90 0 0
Orange 1 61 0 3
Cereal with skim milk 267 1 6

Try to get a fruit, whole grain and milk serving for breakfast.