Food and Health Communications

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ABC Show - Fun Letter Shapes and Fruit and Vegetable Identification Activity or Game

Here is a really fun video and matching powerpoint that doubles as a fun activity to identify fruits and vegetables as well as the alphabet for kids. can download this Powerpoint show and use it in classes. Kids can guess what kind of fruit or vegetable they are seeing and they can find the letter shape.This project was created for an abstract art class where you can find and observe letter shapes in everyday objects. Use it for #MyPlate to remind everyone to fill half their plate with fruits and vegetables.Here are all the images in order from A to Z.
Here is the keyA - sweet potatoesB - tomatoesC - sweet potato noodlesD delicata squashE watermelonF carrotsG chardH parsnipsI asparagusJ pea sproutsK summer squashL pumpkinM winter squashN grapesO figsP asparagusQ bell peppersR tomatoesS radishesT grapesU bok choyV leeksW carrotsX summer squashY hot peppersZ tomatoes and summer squash (trumpet squashThe ending is the whole alphabet in a big huge winter squash pile.