Food and Health Communications

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Fruit: It Is All About Storage

Storing fruit properly helps to maintain freshness and maximize shelf life. Here are some tips for storing different types of fruit:

On the Counter (Room Temperature):

  1. Fruit That Ripens:

    • Store fruits that need to ripen more at room temperature on the counter. They are attractive if you can place them in a nice bowl, making them easy to grab and go. You can place most (except bananas) in the refrigerator when they are ripe. These include:

      • Avocados

      • Peaches

      • Plums

      • Nectarines

      • Mangoes

      • Kiwis

      • Pears

      • Melons

  2. Ripening Tips:

    • Place these fruits in a paper bag with a ripe banana or apple to speed up the ripening process. The ethylene gas emitted by the ripe fruit will help ripen the others more quickly.

In the Refrigerator:

  1. Fruits That Stay Fresh Longer:

    • Store fruits that are already ripe or need to be kept cool in the refrigerator. These include:

      • Berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc.)

      • Grapes

      • Cherries

      • Citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, etc.)

      • Apples (for longer storage)

      • Pineapple (once it's been cut)

      • Melons

  2. Storage Tips:

    • Place these fruits in your refrigerator's deli drawer or plastic bins to keep them organized and prevent bruising.

    • To prevent premature spoilage, avoid washing berries until just before eating. Store them in a single layer or line the container with paper towels to absorb excess moisture.

Prepping Ahead of Time:

  1. Prepped Fruit:

    • Wash, peel, and chop fruits you plan to eat throughout the week and store them in airtight containers in the refrigerator. This makes grabbing a healthy snack or adding fruit to meals and recipes is convenient.

  2. Freezing Fruit:

    • For longer-term storage, consider freezing ripe or about-to-sprout fruits. Slice bananas, berries, and other fruits and spread them out on a baking sheet to freeze individually before transferring them to freezer bags or containers.

By following these storage tips, you can keep your fruit fresh and flavorful for longer, reducing waste and ensuring you always have a supply of healthy snacks and ingredients on hand. When fruit is ripe or prepared and ready to eat it gets eaten more often!