Food and Health Communications

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Balanced and Healthful Snacks

Delicious (and popular) snack.

Sumo Orange

A few weeks ago, I tweeted a picture of a tasty and filling snack I'd whipped up on a whim. I was absolutely blown away by the response to my humble little post.

In fact, it has become one of my most popular tweets of all time.After some thought, I decided that this snack deserves more than 140 characters long description. Here it is.It all starts with an orange. A sumo orange, to be exact. I adore citrus season, and I'm always looking for new ways to enjoy some of my favorite foods. When I saw a pile of sumo oranges, a seedless, low-acid orange varietal from Japan, I knew I had to try some.I peeled off the orange's distinctive topknot and wound my way through the rest of the peel until I was left with a ball of tender fruit. Then I carefully tugged each segment away from the others until I was left with the flower shape you see above. The orange looked like it was positively blooming on the plate.Now, how to make this snack more filling? A single sumo orange wouldn't last through my afternoon of work. What else did I need?

My first thought was some nut. With heart-healthy fats and tons of vital nutrients, nuts have become my favorite way to round out a snack. Since I had a bag of salt-free roasted almonds handy, almonds rounded out my plate.I probably could have stopped there, but I wanted to add a third flavor. I had the sweet orange and the toasty nuts, but I wanted something mellow to take my snack over the top. I've been loving this goat's milk gouda cheese lately, and I knew its creamy richness would be a great counterpoint to the sweet and salty flavors I had on my plate. I grabbed my vegetable peeler and went to work, shaving a few slices onto my plate.

Nutrition Note: Peeling Cheese 

Peeling cheese is a great way to get all the flavor of your favorite cheese without accidentally slicing off a hefty piece. Simply slide your vegetable peeler along one side of the cheese and put a few shavings on your plate. Ta-da! You have a healthful and filling snack that is perfectly balanced and easy to eat!

With that, a healthful and filling snack was born.